
Current worship times, including special and seasonal worship services will always be shown on the home page. At present we have one service per week on Sundays at 11am.Worship at MLC is liturgical, meaning that it follows the ancient rhythm of starting our worship year at Advent in December, walking through Lent and Easter and Pentecost during the spring, dwelling in the greenness of ordinary time (a fancy term for the period after Pentecost) in the summer and fall, and then beginning the cycle all over again as our Oregon weather grows cold and rainy. It also means that a typical worship service will include call and response (both sung and spoken), written and extemporaneous prayers, and lots of music from worship books or printed music and lyrics. Oh, and there is lots of standing and sitting involved.


If you haven’t participated in a liturgical worship service before, you might be a little overwhelmed or confused. We will do our best to provide information and guidance as needed, and never hesitate to ask someone next to you or one of our ushers or greeters if you’re unsure about what’s going on or what you’re supposed to do (or where the restrooms are). But never worry that your unfamiliarity means that you are unwelcome. Worship isn’t a performance, and even our pastor messes things up sometimes (all the time).

Communion and Kids

All that seek to taste the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ are welcome to participate in the Holy Eucharist (a fancy term for the meal of communion) at Milwaukie Lutheran. Children that can eat solid food can receive either the meal or a blessing as they (or their parents) desire. Gluten free and non-alcoholic options will always be available.

Children are always welcome at worship, and we don’t expect them to be silent (but please silence your phone). There is a play area in the sanctuary, and kids will also have the option to join one of our Sunday school teachers on a kid’s walkabout during the sermon, where they talk about the story for the day and move their energy-filled bodies at the same time.